C1 Magazines

 What is representation?                          Tuesday 17th September 2024

L/O:To explore the concept of representation and stereotypes.

Representation is how the media offers the audience an interpretation of the world is is a re presentation of the events, people and places.

The first thing we consider about representation is if they are positive or negative? Youth on Your Board ... Are There Positives of Social Media ...Positive traits of a teenager – The ...

They are positive because they are all smiling and are together.There is no use of stereotyping.Teenagers are usually stereotyped as unhappy and rude.

Do now                                                                                                            Tuesday 24 September 2024

1)Representation is how the media presents events ,people and places on the media

2)You first notice what its telling us.If it is positive or negative.

3)Stereotype is presenting something by what people think it is like without knowing .

4)There are 3 exams in media.2 exams.

5)The thing that is missing is audiences.


A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person , place or thing.They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.

Stereotypically a grandmother would have a walking stick and no teeth, be old .

Stereotypically a teenager would be messy , rude and breaks rules.

Stereotypically a private school boy would speak formally, love school and be selfish.

Students are represented as unable to follow instructions.This follows the stereotype of children breaking rules.The end stereotypes students using their own language and silly behavior.

Teachers are represented as strict and telling students to 'tuck their shirt in'.

Stereotypes are challenged by showing that student and teachers get along.

Students are presented as breaking laws (stereotyping)

Representations of magazines

Lo: to explore and represent representations in magazines.

Masthead-The title.

Cover lines- explains what it is showing, promoting the content.

Main image-The biggest image.

Main cover line- What it is introducing(main image).

Puff-Certain features to make it stand out. to look like a sticker.

Colour palette-The colours used .

Direct address -The audience spoken to.

Star vehicle-The use of a celebrity to bring a larger audience .

Do now                                                                                                              Tuesday 01 October 2024

 1) The mast head is the title.

2)The cover lines tell you what it is about.

3)PUFF is a feature that looks like a sticker to stand out.

4)We can see if it is positive or negative.

5)Stereotypes are often used in the media.

1)In the first one she is represented as normal, brave and talented. 

2)She is represented as powerful, confident and talented.

3)she is presented as confident and elegant and popular.

The genre changes the representation.

Mola spotted: Carrie Underwood for SELF ...

  She is presented as perfect and uses diets to show a "casual beauty".She is presented as beautiful and that you can be too if you do the same things as her to influence the audience to do it.3 words to describe how she is presented is perfect, beautiful and inspirational.

The differences of the two magazines are the colour used are stereotypically for male and female, they have different aims ,and have a different targeted audience, the celebrities are different genders, different style, different camera shots, type of clothing.

The woman are presented as wanting to be perfect and beautiful for others and how to be perfect.It tells us methods of how to be better which suggests its the only thing women likeThe bright colours are a stereotype of girls liking them.The goal is to improve your self.The picture is of her full body suggesting it is only important.

The men are presented as liking sports and how to be greater which suggest men are only interested in this. It suggests that men like darker colours and interested in smart things.The aim is to educate people on how someone became successful.The picture is of his face.Represented as masculine.It uses a sharp font.Represented as a married man.Presenting a like of fashion and jewellery.


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